Saturday 3 April 2010

Saturday 3rd April

So much for catching up on the zeds. Asleep at 9 p.m. Wide awake at 1 a.m. Made the most of it with an early start. Excellent breakfast then a trip on the metro out to the Chinese Gardens. The Singapore MRT is very clean and efficient but they don't provide too many seats on their trains. Even at eight in the morning it starts to get quite hot and sweaty here but there were a few breezes and a bit of shade. We saw all sorts of exotic bird life but none of it stayed still long enough to have its photo taken.

After a couple of hours in the very lovely garden, it was too hot, so we beat a retreat to the railway station and made our way back to the city centre. Little India was next on our list. We started with a cold Tiger beer as the heat had got to us and we really needed the shade. When rehydrated we toured the market which was very busy and we had to decline a lot of offers from persitent stallholders.

This all helped us to work up an appetite for lunch which we took in the Banana Leaf Apolo restaurant. Rosena was brave enough to have their famous fish head curry, which she ate quite a lot of. She says that it was very tasty. Dave had a mutton curry with the added extra flavour that comes from eating it off a banana leaf. After lunch the monsoon returned and we were shattered so back to the hotel for a siesta.

Luckily we woke in time for cocktails and nibbles before heading out into the rain to see the sights.

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