Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Tuesday - The Locust Eaters

A lie in this sunny morning. Longreach has been having a plague of locusts recently and Rosena freaked when she found a couple in the en-suite.Hopefully we won't get charged extra. This morning's avian display was provided by the galahs in the tree above John and Anne's camper.

After breakfast we visited the Stockmen's Hall of Fame which has excellent a/c as well as a few interesting exhibits and a cafe where we had our smoko. Rosena was full of praise for the Lamington that we consumed - a cocoa and coconut coated sponge cake that appears to be as ubiquitous as ANZAC biscuits in this part of Oz. On the way into the town centre for lunch we spotted a good example of a truly wonderful Australian invention - the drive in off licence.

In the afternoon we had a wander round the shops and an hour in an internet cafe. By this time it was 30C, our hottest day so far, and we headed for the pub. The Lyceum Hotel was unspoilt by progress and Dave felt a bit out of place as the only man in the bar not wearing a hat. We were still sober enough to make it to the end of the street where we had our photo taken on the Tropic of Capricorn.

All of our backlog of photos has now been posted. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Have got there at last Rosena! Looks like you are having an amazing time and so good to stay in touch.
